Types of Removable Partial Dentures and Know about its Care.

There are multiple types of dentures to replace your missing teeth.

It may not be easy to speak, chew, and eat if you miss any teeth. Your smile also is often not appealing as it should be. But luckily, denture specialists 

Known as prosthodontics can make you natural-looking and functioning custom-made appealers called dentures may be partial or complete. However, with the advancement of science, you may get certain options that may suit you

What Is a Removable Partial Denture?

Before starting to explain, let us know what these custom-made devices are called removable partial dentures or removable complete dentures as they are somewhat like retainers which you might have in your early life after braces, but they help you with smile and functions of teeth spotless just like retainers. Basic difference is they have teeth and fewer wires but filling spaces of teeth.

Types of Removable Partial Dentures

The basic two types of different partial dentures are cast metal dentures and acrylic flippers which can also be options like flexible dentures.

Cast Metal Partial Dentures

They have a metallic-casted custom-made denture base made of cobalt-chromium alloys. Denture parts are connected to the metal base for various functions and made, so they are very noticeable. Given good strength, you need to ask your doctor to make them more esthetic and less show of metal.

Acrylic Flippers

Opposite metal base dentures are made from pink-colored acrylic resin totally, which is non-irritating to the soft tissue of the oral cavity. Sometimes they are made as temporary space fillers till more permanent prosthetics for your teeth. These can be better options for patients with aggressive or progressing periodontal diseases, so they can be modified when needed.

Flexible Denture

It is an esthetic, lightweight, flexible option for dentures made from material valplast. It said a soft nylon compound and injection molded to fit patient soft tissue of mouth. They also hold teeth well, but these dentures are not repairable and stain fast than regular ones.

The rest of the options for missing teeth can be a dental implant or fixed partial dentures, but both are more invasive procedures than removable dentures.

How to Care for a Removable Partial Denture?

You maintain your oral health and integrity of your denture's metal icons hygiene. Dentures need to be removed and cleaned every day as prescribed by your dentist and regular checkups twice a year are mandatory.

With these many options for your missing teeth, you can discuss what suits most to you most and choose wisely. 32pearls provide Dental implants, all on 4 implants, dental veneers, dental bonding, smile makeover, teeth whitening, Invisible braces, corrective jaw surgery and aligners treatment.


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